Barley/Joo (جو) also known as Hordeum Vlgare, is a major cereal grain, commonly found in bread, beverages, and various cuisines of every culture. It was one of the first cultivated grains in history and, to this day, remains one of the most widely consumed grains, globally. They are important sources of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.It is a wonderfully versatile grain that is prized for its nutty flavor and chewy, pasta-like texture. It can be prepared in a number of ways.
Health benefits:
Potential health risks of consuming barley
Barley contains gluten, and, therefore, should be avoided by those with celiac disease. Malt, malted beverages such as beer, and several flavorings are derived from barley, which means they are not gluten-free and should not be consumed by individuals with celiac.
Barley is likely safe for most people when taken by mouth appropriately. Barley flour can sometimes cause asthma.
Barley is likely safe when taken by mouth during pregnancy in amounts commonly found in foods.
Consuming barley might cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to other cereal grains, including rye, wheat, oat, corn and rice.
The information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.