

Aleppo Oak

Aleppo Oak (Mazu Sabz)

  • also known as
    Oak Galls
  • Scientific Name: Quercus Infectoria Olivier
  • مازو سبز

  • Strong Astringent
  • Fat Burner
  • Topical Astringent
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
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Aleppo Oak/Mazu Sabz (مازو سبز) also known as Quercus Infectoria is a plant or shrub native to Eastern and Asian countries, and the galls that have been infested by certain oak gall wasps are containing certain phytochemical contents for many health benefits.

The extract of this shrub is very rich in Tannins which constrict the vaginal wall and tissues. In medicine, this effect is known as “astringent properties.” Interestingly, it has an ability to kill or inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, and fungi.

It’s antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetes and acts as a local anesthetic due to other phytochemical content isolated from the shrub (gallic acids, ellagic acid, piperonylic acid ester, antioxidants, calcium, fiber, vitamin A and C, iron, carbohydrates, and protein). This is the most potent botanical source for women who want to tighten their private area.

Medicinal properties:

Aleppo oak has following healing properties,

  1. Strong Astringent
  2. Topical Astringent
  3. Wound healing – Topical application
  4. Antidiarrheal
  5. Antidysenteric
  6. Antihemorrhagic
  7. Anti-inflammatory
  8. Fat Burner
  9. Antioxidant

Therapeutic indications:

  1. Chronic Diarrhea with mucus
  2. Dysentery
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome – when one passes loose stools with mucus content
  4. Bleeding piles
  5. Rectal prolapse
  6. Frequent urination
  7. Urinary incontinence
  8. Urinary tract infections (pus in urine)
  9. Uterine prolapse
  10. Leucorrhoea
  11. Excessive uterine bleeding

Aleppo Oak for vaginal benefits:

As we age, childbirth, diseases or side effect of medications, imbalance hormonal events, and even sexual intensity can make the tightness and elasticity of female genitalia declines, experience with vaginal dryness, and easily to be infected by bacteria. Of course, the vagina is a tubular tract that can return to its shape but the strength of its elasticity and tightness is certainly declined significantly, moreover among women who had given birth.

This is not a rare case because it's a part of natural process of human being. Some women feel nothing of male penetration, some with less friction making them to adjust their sex position, some feel painful sex, and some experience with vaginal odor. Nothing new and we know how it feels.

Aleppo Oak with those benefits above are certainly helpful for women to counter these issues because the profile of their tannins and phytoestrogens can restore the tightness and elasticity in both short- and long-term benefits, as well as stimulate the vagina to produce the fluid and anti-bacterial properties. In fact, the short-term effect of tightness sensation can be felt immediately.

A thin vaginal muscles and a fat vaginal muscles is certainly giving different strength of contraction which is not only for sexual pleasure, but also for health benefits such as reducing the risk of incontinence urinary or protrudes of your genital organs out of vaginal opening.

Aleppo Oak is natural ingredient that has been used for hundreds of years to heighten sexual pleasure among postpartum, and no report to date that it's associated with serious risks. In fact, it can even reduce cervix cancer while you can get the benefits to tighten and rejuvenate your genital organ, overcome vaginal dryness, and improve vaginal health.


Don’t use aleppo oak during pregnancy, it may lead to miscarriage. Avoid taking it during menses.


The information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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