The Bitter Apple is a vine-like plant commonly found in Asia and the Mediterranean Basin. These plants have lemon-sized fruits which are known for their medicinal properties. The Bitter Apple seeds/Tukhm-e-Hanzal (تخم حنزل) also known as Citrullus Colocynthis, are around 6 mm in size, smooth, compressed and ovoid-shaped. They are located on the parietal placenta. The seeds are light yellowish-orange to dark brown in color. They are used to make bread. The powdered seeds are inflammable and so the Arabs use them as kindling. The seeds are also used as oilseeds. The oil extracted from the seeds is edible and also can be used as biodiesel.
Health Benefits:
Side Effects:
It should be consumed only under strict medical attention as an overdose can prove to be fatal.
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