

Pala Indigo

Pala Indigo (Indarjo Shireen)

  • also known as
    Dyer's Oleander
  • Scientific Name: Wrightia Tinctoria
  • اندرجوشیریں

  • To Treat Burns, Boils, Wounds, Rashes, Mouth Ulcers.
  • To Treat Jaundice.
  • To Kill Intestinal Worms.
  • To Boost The Libido (sex drive)
  • To Improves Skin Firmness And Tightness.
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Pala Indigo / Indarjo Shireen (اندرجوشیریں) is also called Dyer’s Oleander and Wrightia Tinctoria, belongs to the genus wrightia and comes from the family of Apocynaceae. It is originated in India and is also a native of Burma.

Pala Indigo is a flowering plant with potent medicinal properties. Various parts of this plant- leaves, bark, seeds and root- are used for various health benefits.

According to the various Siddha and Ayurveda text manuals, wrightia tinctoria extracts can be used to treat skin problems, liver disorders and broad spectrum viral infections.

Some of the uses of Pala Indigo are:

  • To treat burns, boils, wounds, rashes, mouth ulcers.
  • To treat jaundice.
  • To treat inflammatory skin problems such as psoriasis and non specific dermatitis.
  • To kill intestinal worms.
  • To treat diarrhea, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, piles and kidney stone.
  • To boost the libido (sex drive)
  • To improves skin firmness and tightness.

The information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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